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Halal Expo Europe 2015 Awards

The winners of the Halal Expo Europe 2015 awards were Komagene & Amber Innovations.

Komagene is the winner of the most beatiful stand of Halal Expo Europe 2015

Chee kufta is a food beyond just a meal with its preparation and presentation. The original meal is made with raw meat and consumed immediately. Chee kufta made with raw meat can allow the generation of harmful bacteria when proper conditions are not provided and can danger the human health. It is really hard to transport, serve and store. It is impossible to produce raw meat at the center and to sell it in stores in terms of food health and quality. Meat free chee kufta is a result of this requirement. Komagene became the leader meat free chee kufta chain of Turkey (and the world) with its product and service range.

Amber Innovation is the winner of the most innovative service of Halal Expo Europe 2015

Amber Innovations is à ICT company and has developed thé Halal Application.



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