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Halal Expo Europe 2015 Nieuws

The Post Online: Eerste internationale halal-beurs in NederlandDutchView Article
EenVandaag: Halalhype in NederlandDutchView Article
CCME:Eerste editie Halal Expo Europe in EindhovenDutchView Article
LevensmiddelenKrant: Eerste halal beurs komt eraanDutchView Article
NieuwMarokko.nl: Marokkaanse bedrijven bij eerste halal-beurs in
DutchView Article
BIZ: Halal Expo Europe 2015DutchView Article
Bladna: Eerste halal-beurs in NederlandDutchView Article
BNR: Newsroom | Halal en businessDutchView Article
De Telegraaf: Eerste halal beurs komt eraanDutchView Article
Studio040:Eerste Halalbeurs voor groeinde halalindustrie in BeursgebouwDutchView Article
Agrofoodclicks: Halal Expo Europe nieuwe internationale vakbeursDutchView Article
HalalFocus:EU: Tapping into the high purchasing power of European MuslimsEnglishView Article
Dutch Embassy in Abu Dhabi: Halal Expo Europe: the gateway to the worldwide Halal
EnglishView Article
HalalLink: Halal Expo EuropeEnglishView Article
Haberciniz:Hollanda'nın İlk Helal Ürün
Fuarı Kapılarını Açtı
TurkishView Article
Deniz: Avrupa’nın birinci Helal Expo
Fuarına ünlü şirketler katılıyor
TurkishView Article
Bugun: Hollanda'nın ilk helal ürün fuarına
yoğun katılım
TurkishView Article
Zaman Hollanda: Hollanda'nın ilk helal ürün fuarı yoğun bir katılım ile sona erdiTurkishView Article


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